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Welcome to
Encounter Church

We are glad to have you visiting with us online. Please contact us if you have any questions or prayer requests. You are invited to join us this Sunday morning at 10:00 for our worship service.

Our Current Teaching Series

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Encounter Groups


Our Encounter Groups provide an opportunity for deeper fellowship and Bible study in a small group setting. These groups meet in homes around our community during the week. Contact Pastor Dan to find a group to join.

Women’s Bible Study

All ladies are invited to participate in this study emphasizing the power of God's names. The study will take place at Encounter Church on Sundays at 6:30 pm starting January 19 and running through March 23. Contact Nancy McDonald or Sheila Davis for more information.


Discipleship Class


Be sure to join our discipleship class titled, “Heaven, Hell, and Angels.” All are invited to participate in this six-week Sunday morning study at 9:00 am which begins on February 9 and concludes on March 16. Pastor Dan will be teaching this class.

Soup and Salad Lunch

Join us for a soup and salad lunch on Sunday, February 16, immediately following the church service. This informal time is a great opportunity to fellowship with the church family. Please contact Joyce Nichols if you are interested in providing a soup. The salad will be provided by the church.


Women’s Retreat


Our annual Women’s Retreat is Friday and Saturday, February 28 and March 1 at Country Lake Conference Center. Registration is opening soon. Ladies, be sure to mark your calendars and plan on attending this refreshing time together.

New Partner Luncheon

Are you interested in joining Encounter Church? Come to our New Partner Luncheon on Sunday, March 9 to learn more about the history, beliefs, mission, and values of our church. This informational meeting will start following the morning service. Lunch will be served. Roll up your sleeves and get involved!


Church Roller Skating Night


Come out and lace up your skates and enjoy an evening of roller skating at Robben’s Roost on Sunday, March 9 from 5:00-7:00 pm. It will be a time of fun and fellowship at the rink. Be sure to invite friends to skate along with us. The cost will be $2.00 per person (this includes skate rental).

Young Adults Gathering

Our Young Adults group is meeting on Thursday evenings this month, February 13 and 27 at the home of Jake and Jessica Hightower at 6:30 pm. This group is for individuals just out of high school and into their early 30’s. Contact Trent and Addy Hartlage or Jake and Jessica Hightower for more information.


​Men’s Bible Study


One Saturday morning of the month the men gather at the church building for a Bible Study from 8:00-9:15 am. Coffee and donuts are served. Contact Pastor Dan Horton for more details. Our next study is scheduled for Saturday, March 8.

Potluck and Prayer

We gather for a potluck meal and time of prayer on the first Wednesday of each month. The meal begins at 6:30 and the prayer time begins soon after 7:00. Individuals and families are encouraged to bring a finger food dish to share. The evening typically concludes around 8:00. The next Potluck and Prayer is Wednesday, March 5 at the church building.

Fall Tokens



Worship Service 10:00 a.m.

Nursery (6 wks. to 3 yrs.)

Pre-K Care (3 to 4 yrs.)


Typical month but changes may occur.

1st Wed. 6:30 p.m. - Prayer & Potluck

1st Sat. 8:00 a.m. - Men's Breakfast

1st through 4th week - Small Groups

5th Week - No Weekday Activities


Encounter Church

9105 Galene Drive, Louisville, KY 40299

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© 2022 Encounter Church, Louisville, KY

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