About Us
Our Vision
Jesus came to heal, restore, and bring light into our darkness. Our vision is to see the power of Christ and His Gospel change the J-Town community as neighbors love and help their neighbors. We envision a church family that raises up disciples of Jesus who are well equipped to minister to people both inside and outside of the church. While serving together, we will faithfully use our re-sources to join with Jesus in meeting the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of people in our city. We believe that an encounter with Christ changes everything! (Based on Luke 4:18-19.)
Our mission
Helping people encounter Christ! (Based on Matthew 28:18-20.)
Our Values
The foundation of all our values is the Gospel of Grace through Jesus Christ. We want our lives to be characterized by…
• Loving others in our communities. (Mark 12: 30-31)
• Sharing Christ with everyone around us. (Matthew 28:18-20)
• Serving together in unity. (Ephesians 4)
• Joyful worship in spirit and truth. (John 4)
• Generosity with all our resources. (II Corinthians 8)
• Building up families. (Ephesians 5-6)
• Growing in God’s Word. (Psalm 1)
• Experiencing the power of God in Prayer. (Matthew 6:5-15 & James 5)