Children's Ministry
It is our deep-rooted conviction that FAMILY matters to God. It was His idea, His design, and His creation from the very beginning. We believe that life works best when we orient our lives around God’s Word and ways. Therefore it is our desire to grow spiritually healthy families by awakening and championing parents in their roles as the primary nurturers of their kid’s faith (Deuteronomy 6).
We desire to play a supportive role to parents in that process (Ephesians 4) and believe that it is only by partnering with the Holy Spirit that true transformation takes place. We believe this kind of strong family unit points to Jesus Christ in compelling ways and affects change both in ourselves and others around us. It is the desire of our volunteer teaching team that your kids hear God’s Word in an accurate, creative, dynamic and engaging way each week as we work to foster a generation that has an active relationship with God and hearts set on bringing the kingdom of God here.
Our Core Values
We believe that God’s word is foundational truth, and it is our heart to train every kid to use it as their guide, authority, and conscience in everything.
EncounterKIDS seeks to be a physically, emotionally and spiritually safe environment for children.
We look at everything we do through the eyes of a child.
Creative & Innovative
We use a variety of ways to get the message across to inspire the kids to greatness by remaining biblical, relevant, and effective.
Life change happens best in the context of relationships… even for children.
Kids like to have fun and we strive to be creative and inspiring as we accomplish our mission by nurturing and teaching them spiritually.